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Discover New Exciting Fan Projects

Find out about the latest fangames, animated series, comics, mods and much more!
Projects both popular or new, large or small, we got it all.
Each year, at least 30 projects will keep you up to date for new free content to look forward to in trailers, think of it as a Nintendo Direct for Undertale fans!

A Thrilling Story For Undertale Fans

UNDEREVENT stands out as a showcase for its unique story. During the pre-show, break and after-show segments of the presentation, experience a unique animated story built by out talented team and discover the Multiversal Undertale hub, the Omega Timeline. Each year, enter the renowed Underevent Theater and experience with an audience from all corners of the multiverse the new mysteries this place upholds. But beware... something watches from afar.

An Annual Community Rendez-Vous

Ever since 2021, we've been able to offer such unique experience for free on Youtube for a live premiere in front of a live audience to thousands of people. The biggest collaboration in the Undertale community awaits you each year, presented by beloved hosts. Make sure to not miss it!

Check out our latest video!